14 Ways To Protect Your Shop From Slip And Trip Compensation Claims

Slip and trip claims are on the increase, particularly in shop and retail premises.

According to Zurich Insurance, an increase in slip, trip and fall compensation claims from both customers and  employees has occurred since the economic recession.

They suggest that solicitors and claims management companies are now more likely to target this area since motor claims, particularly whiplash, have come under tougher scrutiny. There is also evidence that fraudsters are turning their attention from motor insurance to other areas, including public liability.

It is vital to have adequate public & employers liability insurance in place

If you are a shop owner or retailer, it is vital to have adequate public & employers liability insurance in place. This is usually included in a shop insurance policy.

To make sure you are insured property, it’s a good idea to use an independent insurance broker. They will advise you on how much cover you need and recommend the best shop insurance policy for your particular situation.

Here at Breathe we provide shop insurance tailored to your individual business needs. We have also compiled the following list of 14 things you can do to help reduce the chance of slips and trips occurring on your shop premises.

  1. Provide and maintain suitable floors, walkways, steps, ramps, handrails and lighting
  2. Select floor surfaces and coverings to meet the needs of shop environments, with particular emphasis on increasing the slip resistance where necessary
  3. Use matting at entrances and around certain retail areas (e.g. fruit, flowers etc.) to minimise walk-in floor contamination
  4. Improve layouts to permit clear vision and safe access, particularly around display racking
  5. Clearly identify changes in levels on floors and stairs
  6. Mark off pedestrian walkways
  7. Adopt good housekeeping standards, particularly during stocking up and sales periods where there is generally less space, with the potential for more stock on the floors and an increased footfall
  8. Adopt good spill procedures to prevent floors, stairs and other areas becoming slippery
  9. Use the right cleaning methods for the type of floor, excluding pedestrians until the work is complete
  10. Remove snow and ice from footpaths, steps and car parks promptly & have a regular and documented system of inspection of floor surfaces, carpets, matting etc. through formal floor walks, rectifying any problem areas promptly
  11. Maintain shopping trolleys regularly 
  12. Require staff to wear suitable footwear
  13. Provide training and information for retail staff on general health and safety issues, including the prevention of slips and trips, keeping walkways clear, removing obstructions and reporting problems
  14. Implement an accident reporting and investigation procedure 

Further guidance to comply with Health and Safety law regarding slips and trips can be found on the Health and Safety Executive’s website: hse.gov.uk/slips

We want your shop to be as safe for your customers and staff as possible and are dedicated to helping retail businesses in Kent grow and prosper.

We can help with shop insurance

If you are a retailer & have any questions about shop insurance or would like to receive an insurance quote from an independent insurance broker based in Kent, please call us on 01622 620531 or email us at info@breatheinsurance.co.uk

We’re here to help.

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