When arranging motor insurance for the car you use for your business, it is important to make sure you have the right cover. Check that you have the correct class of use on your insurance policy, as this is something the insurance company will check if you have a claim.
Standard Motor Insurance Cover – Social, Domestic And Pleasure
Standard motor insurance covers you for ‘social, domestic and pleasure‘ use only, which includes things like visiting friends and family and going shopping
Many standard motor policies also include cover for commuting to and from your usual place of work.
Business Car Insurance – Which Class Of Use Do You Need?
If you visit clients or prospects or travel to different addresses for work then you probably also need business use.
The levels of business insurance cover available are as follows:
Business Car Insurance: Class 1
Class 1 use covers the vehicle in connection with your business, when driving to different sites away from your usual place of work and visiting clients. It can also cover a spouse for business use, but not usually, another named driver. It excludes delivery of goods and commercial travelling (visiting prospects without an appointment).
Business Car Insurance: Class 2
This class of use usually covers the policyholder and named drivers for business use. Some insurance companies assume that all drivers work in the same business – so check the wording and discuss with your insurance broker if unsure. Class 2, like Class 1, excludes delivery of goods and commercial travelling.
Business Car Insurance: Class 3
This class of use provides business cover as above and includes the carriage of light goods and commercial travelling.
Use For Hire And Reward and Motor Trade
Other types of motor insurance are available if you use your car for such occupations as taxi driver, motor trader, courier or haulier.
If you run a business and you are at all uncertain as to what class of use you need, it is a good idea to speak to an independent business insurance broker who will be able to help.
Get Expert Help From A Kent Based Insurance Broker
If you are a business owner and you want advice on how best to insure your business cars from a Kent based independent business insurance broker, we would like the opportunity to help you. For a no-obligation commercial vehicle quote, give us a ring on 01622 620531 during office hours or fill in our online enquiry form at any time.